mercredi 20 novembre 2019

Researching your clients

Hey there,

So yesterday, I asked you to consider your
own skills and experiences in order to come
up with a target audience and angle for your
consulting program.

I hope you were successful in coming up with
just a few ideas.

If so, the next step is to validate them.

The last thing you want to do is venture into a
market where clients really aren't willing to pay
what you're asking for, right?

So, you need to qualify the niche and make sure that
there's an active demand and that clients are willing
to pay up!

There's no one-way to do this.  The key is to really
get to know your audience.

You want to dig deep into your niche, connect with your
potential tribe and then keep a pulse on your market
while you gather intel.

One of the ways I do this when evaluating possible
niche markets is to join active Facebook groups.

Facebook groups serve as open forums where people who
are interested in specific topics and ideas can discuss
problems, share solutions, ask questions and just get
to know each other.

It's also a fantastic way to infiltrate markets so
that you can gain insight as to what people are most
interested in (and willing to pay for).

So today, I want you to scour Facebook for 4-5 active
groups. You're only interested in groups where there's
a decent size following and where people are engaged (meaning
that there's recent discussions and ongoing posts).

Don't post questions or try to advertise your services
in the group. For now, you're just tapping into what your
potential audience is struggling with so you can come up
with a possible angle for your consulting business.

Make sense?

Keep an eye out for my email tomorrow and I'll show you
what to do with that audience once you've determined
what angle to take.

Until then,

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