mercredi 20 novembre 2019

Consulting advice

Hey there!

Over the last few days we've talked about the
different ways you can analyze your market, come
up with a unique angle and position your consulting
business so that it's destined for success.

Today is our final email in this series, and so I
want to leave you with a few final tips and strategies
that I hope will help you launch your business and
land that first client.

Let's start with writing your pitch.

When it comes time to launching your coaching business,
you're going to have to get used to selling yourself
and pitching your offer so that it appeals to the
right audience.

Your credentials, your personal experiences and successes
and everything that makes you a great coach will all
play a huge role in securing those clients.

You need to be comfortable highlighting the many reasons
why people should come to you for help and how you can
help them accomplish their goals.

You also need to remember to highlight what's in it for
them. After all, that's the only reason people will be
willing to pay you for help: they expect results!

One way you can launch your consulting business while
reassuring clients that you have the information and
help they need is by offering a free trial session.

Limit this session to 20-30 minutes. Provide them with
an initial free Skype call, or if you want to automate things,
consider creating a private Webinar that people have to
register for in order to gain access to the content.

If you decide on the free trial session strategy, you'll
want to make it so people feel they have to apply.

This makes them feel as though when you accept them, they've
accomplished something, passed a test, and are special.

I know it sounds silly, but exclusivity and being approved
after applying for something helps to get people excited.

It also will help encourage them to sign on for the full
coaching program out of fear that if they don't act quickly,
someone else who was approved will take their spot.

During the initial session you'll ask them for an outline
as to what they need help with.  You'll then provide some
basic information that outlines the key steps needed for
them to achieve success.

This session isn't about solving their problems. It's
designed to demonstrate to them that you know how to help
them get to where they want to be.  That's key.

Don't give too much away!

That's why it's important to limit sessions to 30 minutes
or less. You don't want to spend too much time catering
to people who may never sign on. At the same time, you
want to have an opportunity to show them that you know
what you're talking about and that you can truly help

Make sense?

This single strategy has been used by countless coaches
and consultants who want to qualify their clients without
forcing them to commit right away.

So give it a try!

I hope this email series has helped you in some way
and I wish you the very best with building your coaching

All my best,


P.S.   I'm here to help. :) If you want to get my report on consulting wizardry for 7 USD , just send an email to and put in the subject line consulting wizardry order

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