mardi 31 janvier 2012

Puis je vous demander un petit service ?

J'ai besoin de votre aide.

Responsable de Media JD, cabinet de conseil en ressources humaines, je mets en place une nouvelle série au niveau de notre blog emploi . Il s'agit de mini interviews de professionnels comme vous, pour susciter des vocations et aider chaque talent à "trouver sa voie" selon notre devise.
J'aimerais vous poser 5 questions sur votre métier :
1.Quel est l'intitulé de votre métier ? Quelles sont les qualités , compétences et motivations indispensables pour exercer votre profession ?
2.Votre profession offre t'elle de bons débouchés à court et moyen terme ?
3.Avec une bonne formation, est il possible de trouver facilement un emploi dans votre profession ? Par quel emploi commence t'on ?
4.En prenant pour base une aptitude moyenne, combien est il possible d'espérer gagner pendant les 5 premières années ?
5.Quels sont les avantages de votre profession ?
Si vous le souhaitez, je peux aussi vous appeler à ce sujet .
Vos réponses seront publiées sur notre blog :

Dans l'attente du plaisir de vous lire,
Patrick Taranto
Fondateur de Media JD 
Talent Scouting and Matchmaking 
ESCP Europe 1989

Dr. Oz on heart health

lundi 30 janvier 2012

Un an d'affiliation

Le Secret du Courage

Mediter + 1cd audio gratuit

Sept minutes pour convaincre

Tout se joue en moins de 2 minutes

Articles sans commande
Afficher tous les articles

2 Minutes... pour bien se vendre

Attirer et fidéliser les bonnes compétences : Créer votre marque d'employeur

Cahier de gribouillages pour adultes qui s'ennuient au bureau

Cahier de gribouillages pour les adultes qui veulent tout plaquer

Changer de vie : Se reconvertir, mode d'emploi

Comment trouver une situation... : Tous les conseils pour décrocher le job de vos rêves

Convaincre grace a la morphopsychologie

Cv & lettres de motivation pour les nuls

Découvrez vos points forts

Faire passer un entretien de recrutement : Méthode à l'usage de tous les managers

Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0: How to Stand Out from the Crowd and Tap into the Hidden Job Market Using Social Media and 999 Other Tactics Today

Guide de la beauté naturelle

Guide du recrutement international : Jeunes diplômés et hauts potentiels

Guide pratique du droit du travail (édition 2011)

Job Interview Skills 101: The Course You Forgot to Take

L'art de parler de soi

L'entretien d'embauche : Comment parler de soi

La Résilience

La sagesse du moine qui vendit sa ferrari

Le Petit Livre Rouge de la Vente

Le Recrutement

Le guide Adequatis

Le guide des clubs, cercles et réseaux d'influence

Le guide des entreprises qui recrutent

Recrutement : Les meilleures pratiques

Revenu Instantane

Réussir ses entretiens d'embauche

Réussissez vos recrutements : De la définition du besoin à l'intégration du collaborateur

Topgrading: How Leading Companies Win By Hiring, Coaching And Keeping The Best People

Travailler et vivre en Angleterre : S'expatrier à Londres, en Ecosse, au Pays de Galles et en Irlande du Nord

Trouver le bon job grâce au Réseau

Trouver un job ou un stage à l'étranger

Vos entretiens de recrutement

Who's Got Your Back: The Breakthrough Program to Build Deep, Trusting Relationships That Create Success - and Won't Let You Fail

You the Healer: The World-Famous Silva Method on How to Heal Yourself and Others

mercredi 25 janvier 2012

Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0

This new Third Edition features the latest job-hunting strategies for the Information Age.
You'll discover key techniques to reach hiring managers at the employers you want to work for most.
New chapters integrate using social media and social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and ZoomInfo in your job search, along with case studies from successful guerrilla job hunters that detail what works in today's hyper competitive job market with commentary from  top recruiters.
  • Present your skills in creative new ways that stand out in today's hyper-competitive job market
  • Employ little-known search engine optimization tricks used by top headhunters
  • Integrated web site updated bi-weekly to remain state-of-the-moment
The job search process has changed drastically in the past few years. Turn these changes to your advantage and make your search successful with Guerilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0.
Patrick Taranto
Fondateur de Media JD 
Talent Scouting and Matchmaking 
ESCP Europe 1989

MLM: Do Most People Fail?

mardi 24 janvier 2012

lundi 23 janvier 2012

USANA France - Belgique - l'Opportunité Janvier 2012 partie 1 de 2

The surprise of your knowledge


In this new economy, where ideas rule and everyone is
looking for help and new strategies right now , the most
successful people will be content creators, trainers, and
information marketers.

People who use their life's story and strategies for success
to help other people improve their lives or businesses will
have more income, influence and impact.

Simply, "experts" now own the economy. They do this through
books, speeches, seminars, coaching, and online marketing.

If you want to join the ranks of the new rich, then you have
to position, promote and get paid as an expert. The best
training we've seen for that is right here:

This is Brendon Burchard's famous Experts Academy
program. Brendon is easily considered the world's foremost
expert on creating experts. And he just opened his program
to the public - with over $65,000 of bonuses!

Brendon's program teaches you step-by-step how to
create an "expert empire" starting from scratch as
an author, speaker, coach, seminar leader, and online
information marketer. He basically teaches you HOW
to get your knowledge and message out there and GET
PAID for it.

He also shows you how the "legends" have done this -
from T Harv Eker to John Gray to David Bach to Frank Kern.

Brendon himself made $4.6 Million in less than 24 months
using this system (with NO employees!).

Check it out:

Brendon's program is extremely limited. People
usually pay $5000 for this information, so he's only
making it available to a limited number of experts.

Amazingly, Brendon is also giving away ongoing
training through four killer bonuses:

-- "Marketing Mastery for Experts" (a $4997 program)

-- $10,000 Marketing Planning Session

-- Promotional Partnership Crash Course, another
$5k program on getting JVs, affiliates, sponsors, etc.

-- Over $9,000 of tickets to his private live events

It's gotta be one of the best offers of the year when
you consider the real value and Brendon's real ability
to get results for himself and his clients.

The time to learn how to be an "expert" in your niche
is BEFORE you begin. If you haven't made a sizable
income through books, speeches, seminars, coaching
and online marketing then perhaps it's time you join
Brendon's program and join us in the new economy.


PS. On top of immediate invaluable training, Brendon
also just added to "hold your hand" as you build your
expert empire through all of 2012. Details here:

Faut-il vous méfier du MLM?

mardi 17 janvier 2012

you can't get better advice


If I could get a guy who makes $10,000,000.00 per year
to share all his philosophies and strategies, and answer the
most frequently asked questions in our industry, would you listen?

Well, I hope so. I wish someone had just looked me in the
eye like this at the beginning of my career and answered
these 10 questions.

Watch this video to see what I'm talking about:

This is Brendon Burchard answering all the questions his $10k
clients often ask. I think it's applicable to anyone who wants
to earn more online and build a real expert brand.

And I just love the format too - no gimmicks or whiz-bang
video theatrics. It's really just Brendon sitting there talking
openly and directly to you. He made $10m in 12 months
by following these strategies and philosophies. What's more
amazing is that all he's doing is sharing his advice with the
world and making a difference (and fortune) while doing it.

You can become a highly-paid expert sharing your advice,
experience, and life wisdom. Brendon and his videos just
keep proving it over and over.

Great stuff, and a must-watch. Take notes!

lundi 2 janvier 2012

Meilleurs voeux 2012/ Happy New year 2012

Find Your voice
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Toute l'équipe de Media JD  vous présente tous ses meilleurs voeux pour l’année 2012.

Nous vous remercions pour votre confiance passée, présente et future.

Que cette nouvelle année vous apporte réussite professionnelle et personnelle.

From all the company team here at Media JD, we wish you all the very best for the New Year.

We appreciate you placing your trust in us in the past years and we look forward to seeing you in the new year .

Bonne année 2012 !
Happy New year 2012 !
¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2012 !

Copyright © *2012|* *|MediajD|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Patrick Taranto
Fondateur de Media JD 
Talent Scouting and Matchmaking 
ESCP Europe 1989