lundi 30 décembre 2013

Meilleurs voeux 2014

Nous vous souhaitons ce qu’il y a de mieux pour une entreprise :
Longévité, et tout cela dans la meilleure ambiance qui soit.

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

De la performance à l'excellence : devenir une entreprise leader

Pourquoi certaines entreprises, affichant des performances plutôt moyennes, décollent-elles soudain pour rejoindre le peloton de tête?
Qu'est-ce qui les différencie de leurs concurrentes?
Et peut-on étendre à d'autres les principes dont elles se sont inspirées?
Pendant cinq ans, Jim Collins et son équipe de chercheurs se sont attelés à cette vaste question pour débusquer le secret de la conversion à l'excellence.
Onze entreprises, retenues pour leurs performances boursières très supérieures à celles de leur secteur, ont été comparées à leurs concurrentes.
Les conclusions qui en ressortent sont étonnantes: loin des stratégies flamboyantes, menées à grand renfort de communication, la transition vers l'excellence s'est faite discrètement, sans stratégie préalable, sous l'impulsion de leaders au profil modeste.
Plutôt que d'imposer leur vision, ces derniers ont cherché les meilleurs collaborateurs.
Puis ils ont encouragé un débat intense et permanent au sein de l'entreprise.
Ce qui a payé? Le choix d'un concept simple guidant l'activité de l'entreprise, la détermination sans faille des dirigeants à le mettre en œuvre, une discipline de fer d'abord appliquée au sommet de la hiérarchie.
« Ce qui fait la différence, c'est la somme de travail que s'impose Collins pour parvenir à ses conclusions qui sont d'autant plus fondées à produire des résultats si inattendus. »Financial Times

samedi 2 novembre 2013

Comment vendre un maximum sur Internet en une heure


Est-ce que vous aimeriez vendre plus sur Internet et disposer d'un
outil qui vous permette de savoir si votre produit va se vendre
avant même de l'avoir créé
Si oui je vous recommande vivement de regarder cette vidéo
 qui vous explique exactement quel est cet outil et comment
il va vous permettre de vendre plus sur Internet
(vous devez juste laisser votre prénom et votre email pour recevoir
gratuitement votre vidéo, faites-le, ça vaut le coup !)
Je pense que cette vidéo va faire du bruit, on en reparle très vite !

vendredi 25 octobre 2013

Career Services recruits employers to campus

Linkedin Marketing : An Hour a Day

A step-by-step guide for succeeding on the for ''business'' social media network

LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day helps you create, customize, and optimize a presence on LinkedIn, the world's largest social network for professionals.
In this detailed, step-by-step book, LinkedIn expert Viveka von Rosen reveals how to use this powerful platform to ensure that you or your company get noticed by the right audience.
Discover previously undocumented tips and tricks for community growth and management, including how to best use Groups, events, and other LinkedIn features and applications.
  • Offers a complete resource for anyone who wants to market and recruit on the world's largest professional network
  • Features hands-on tutorials, case studies, examples, tips, and tactics
  • Reveals how to monitor and maintain a vibrant LinkedIn presence
  • Includes effective tactics for recruiters, job seekers, and entrepreneurs, as well as legal, real estate, and nonprofit professionals
  • Incorporates an exploration of the LinkedIn advertising platform, API, and mobile platform
This soup-to-nuts guidebook for tackling every stage of the LinkedIn process ensures your online presence will get noticed.

lundi 21 octobre 2013

Passez en mode workshop !

Vous en avez marre des modes de fonctionnement figés? Des stratégies "bâton et pommade" qui saturent les collaborateurs et les démotivent? Ras le bol des recettes toutes faites des consultants et de la réunionnite aiguë? Dans ce climat de crise qui appelle au changement, il devient nécessaire de redonner du sens et de dynamiser l'entreprise en réinventant les séances de travail. Il est temps de passer en mode workshop!

En construisant vos propres workshops adaptés aux besoins de votre équipe, vous retrouverez de la performance et de l'efficacité et donnerez du sens à vos actions: qu’il s’agisse d’annoncer un changement, de résoudre un conflit, de réorganiser une équipe ou encore d’en améliorer la cohésion et la créativité, ce mode de travail permet d’aller au-delà des modèles de management obsolètes et de construire du sur-mesure.

Nouvelle méthode ultra-pratique et ludique, modulable et prête à l’emploi, chaque workshop est constitué de trois à six ateliers que vous sélectionnerez parmi les cinquante proposés ici. Vous créerez ainsi de l’interaction et renforcerez le sentiment d’appartenance. Commencez par tout mettre à plat avec l’atelier "Crache ta Valda", limitez les sujets de tension grâce au "Work out", recentrez votre équipe avec le "Team au top" et prenez du recul avec une dose d’humour grâce à l’atelier "Caricature en direct": les éventuelles tensions seront vite libérées, vous pourrez freiner le désengagement et réussir le changement!

lundi 30 septembre 2013

[URGENT] I had to share this now

When you show up for work tomorrow, the 4th quarter 
will be in play.

That's right, three quarters down, and one to go...
are you going to use it to finish the year strong?

Think about it...the year is now 75% complete.

And, if you had ambitions of making $200,000 this 
year, you should NOW have $150,000 in the bag.

If you set a goal of paying down $20,000 in debt,
you should be $15,000 lighter by today.

If you started the year overweight and determined
to lose 30 pounds, then you should have dropped 23
pounds and be wearing baggy pants right about now.

Are you on track with any of your goals?

Have you surpassed your expectations?

Are you even close?

YOU cannot possibly believe that if you keep on
doing things just as you've been all year that 
your results will somehow turnaround and improve.


If you're ready to make a change, to redeem
yourself and finish the year strong then you must 
step up your game and RISE TO THE CHALLENGE.

And the best program in the world for achieving
all of those objectives is the 100 Day FINISH 
STRONG Challenge.

Do not hesitate to act as enrollment closes in 
just a few hours, and this day of redemption will 
come to be know as a day of regret.

Live without regrets, take control of your future,
and use the extreme performance acceleration to 
finish the year with a BANG.
You're going to be very happy 
that you took action!

[URGENT] I had to share this now

When you show up for work tomorrow, the 4th quarter 
will be in play.

That's right, three quarters down, and one to go...
are you going to use it to finish the year strong?

Think about it...the year is now 75% complete.

And, if you had ambitions of making $200,000 this 
year, you should NOW have $150,000 in the bag.

If you set a goal of paying down $20,000 in debt,
you should be $15,000 lighter by today.

If you started the year overweight and determined
to lose 30 pounds, then you should have dropped 23
pounds and be wearing baggy pants right about now.

Are you on track with any of your goals?

Have you surpassed your expectations?

Are you even close?

YOU cannot possibly believe that if you keep on
doing things just as you've been all year that 
your results will somehow turnaround and improve.


If you're ready to make a change, to redeem
yourself and finish the year strong then you must 
step up your game and RISE TO THE CHALLENGE.

And the best program in the world for achieving
all of those objectives is the 100 Day FINISH 
STRONG Challenge.

Do not hesitate to act as enrollment closes in 
just a few hours, and this day of redemption will 
come to be know as a day of regret.

Live without regrets, take control of your future,
and use the extreme performance acceleration to 
finish the year with a BANG.
You're going to be very happy 
that you took action!

[URGENT] I had to share this now

When you show up for work tomorrow, the 4th quarter 
will be in play.

That's right, three quarters down, and one to go...
are you going to use it to finish the year strong?

Think about it...the year is now 75% complete.

And, if you had ambitions of making $200,000 this 
year, you should NOW have $150,000 in the bag.

If you set a goal of paying down $20,000 in debt,
you should be $15,000 lighter by today.

If you started the year overweight and determined
to lose 30 pounds, then you should have dropped 23
pounds and be wearing baggy pants right about now.

Are you on track with any of your goals?

Have you surpassed your expectations?

Are you even close?

YOU cannot possibly believe that if you keep on
doing things just as you've been all year that 
your results will somehow turnaround and improve.


If you're ready to make a change, to redeem
yourself and finish the year strong then you must 
step up your game and RISE TO THE CHALLENGE.

And the best program in the world for achieving
all of those objectives is the 100 Day FINISH 
STRONG Challenge.

Do not hesitate to act as enrollment closes in 
just a few hours, and this day of redemption will 
come to be know as a day of regret.

Live without regrets, take control of your future,
and use the extreme performance acceleration to 
finish the year with a BANG.
You're going to be very happy 
that you took action!

mardi 10 septembre 2013

[VIDEO] OPEN the flow of Abundance NOW

Ever wonder why some people create the life they
desire - and make it look EASY?

It's not by luck.

In 1991 a group called the Institute of Heart Math
were the first scientists ever to document the true
power of the heart and its role in manifesting
the life you desire.

After countless experiments using breakthrough
technology, these scientists discovered that We, as humans, are "heart centered" beings.

Once a belief, now a fact of science.  YOUR heart
is MUCH more powerful than your brain.

100,000 times more powerful, in fact.  The electric
pulses in your heart are over one hundred thousand
times stronger than the brain - can you imagine that?

FACT: On an "electromagnetic" level, the heart is 5,000 times
more powerful.  And yes - this means your heart
is literally a magnet (which is why the Law of
Attraction works in the first place.)

The GOOD NEWS: This groundbreaking scientific insight finally proves your feelings are the most powerful catalyst for change that you have.

As soon as you start to "think with your heart", you
can un-kink the hose blocking your success and
allow abundance to flow almost effortlessly into
your life.

So how does one "think" with their heart?  Certainly
not alone …

>> [VIDEO] How 94.2% Said Their "Life Got Better!":
>>Discover how a pain free, abundant life can
happen to you too

In early 2013 this group did an experiment and they found that CERTAIN practices done is an EXACT way created incredible results.  In fact, 94.2% of those polled said "their life got better"

"What a release and a freeing for me.  I am no longer tied up with negative emotions and fear.  What a feeling!!!"
- Teresa in Blackburg

(Did You Know:  It wasn't done by Working Harder, Thinking Positive or Even Luck...You'll be SHOCKED at what they uncovered.

Transformational leader, Darius Barazandeh created
the largest global ENERGY AWAKENING CIRCLE in the world.

It’s DIFFERENT because connecting may have the 'strange' REMOTE effect of raising your HEART VIBRATION.  At least that's what their findings are showing.  Here's what one participant said:

“The person I am today is completely different from the person I was when I began.  I am at such ease and feel such an inner peace that is incredible. It is wonderful.”
 -  D.S.

Imagine what it would really feel like:
-    To finally SET FREE intimacy, financial and emotional BLOCKS...(once and for all)
-    To TUNE into God-given gifts, genius and radiant vitality NOW.
-    To KNOW, find and live your priceless life purpose…
-    To GRACEFULLY open your own clairvoyant,  intuitive Abilities…
-    To Make 2013 and 2014 the BEST YEARS ever for you and your loved ones...

Top transformational leaders are joining, many you've seen
on NBC, CNN, ABC, Oprah Winfrey, Women's Day, etc. to create even more transformation.

With over 100 countries and tens of THOUSANDS of people
like you coming together, the ENERGY CIRCLE and the
 "You Wealth Revolution" has become the largest Transformation Circle on the Planet.

>> [VIDEO] Is this Magic? No, the Science of the Energy Circle:


"Wow I now feel lighter and more joyful.  I breathed out abandonment and judgment and breathed in unconditional love.  I feel lighter and happier.”
- Jennifer in Washington

Picture a NEW EARTH of people AWAKENING their energy, raising their vibration, and MANIFESTING an abundant, wealthy life at the very SAME TIME!

CURIOUS?  You can be one of them .  As it only takes 3 seconds to JOIN and see if your vibration rises to the "next" level...

(Hint:  94.2% of people who participated in this energy circle say
their life got BETTER just by showing up!  You'll even see their comments below)

This INCREDIBLE Energy Circle has grown and this year it’s bigger and stronger than ever!

The results have been incredible, and this year is guaranteed to be bigger and stronger than ever before!

And it's EVEN free.

Are you ready to RELEASE your struggle and suffering NOW?

[VIDEO] Less Struggle, More FLOW & JOY - It Takes 3 Seconds to Connect:
==>Click Here and Register Now For You Wealth Revolution 2013

For more than 3 Years over 250,000 people from over 100+ Countries have experienced these cutting edge healing technologies.

"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher." - Oprah Winfrey

Once you CONNECT and experience the AWAKENING for yourself, you'll look back at this moment you decided to sign up as one of the best decisions you ever made.

Click Here To Reserve Your Spot Now (and pay nothing at all).

It just takes 3 seconds to sign up and you get a FREE Instant Energy Awakening Kit that has been prepared for you, to help you open your HEART energy TODAY!


P.S. - Over the last 3 years this amazing GROUP has gotten thousands and thousands of stories of ENERGY breakthroughs.

Here's a tiny sample of people have been experiencing (don't wait a minute longer - SPACES for Live Sessions are FILLING UP FAST):

==>Click Here To Accept Your FREE Invitation (And Get Your Gift)

"Truly amazing.  I could see strands of dark blobs being unraveled. Thank you, Thank you"
- Marisa

==> Hurry and Save Your Space - Live Exercises Will Fill UP!

P.S.S - Everyone experiences something different - Curious what could happen for you?
"This is what I've been waiting for my ENTIRE LIFE!!! This was my first call and before I ever clicked on I knew that this was going to be powerful beyond words AND OMG IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!"
- VE in Atlanta

"What a release and a freeing for me.  I am no longer tied up with negative emotions and fear.  What a feeling!!!"
- Teresa in Blackburg

- Maria in Mexico

"Dear Darius...One can Heal from listening...and find much confirmation in what they share.  I find myself saying YES YES YES...."
- Carmen

"I felt SHIVERS go down my spine!"
- Donna in Woodruff

==> Hurry and Save Your Space - Live Exercises Will Fill UP!

dimanche 25 août 2013

Une si belle histoire... vraie

une si belle histoire .... vraie 

Il s'appelait DESIRE, c'était un pauvre fermier écossais. Un jour, alors qu'il travaillait son champ, il entendit un appel au secours provenant d'un marécage proche. 
Il laissa tomber ses outils, y courut et y trouva un jeune garçon enfoncé jusqu'à la taille dans le marécage, apeuré, criant et cherchant à se libérer. 
Le fermier sauva le jeune homme.
Le lendemain, un attelage élégant se présenta à la ferme. 
Un noble, élégamment vêtu, en sortit et se présenta 
comme étant le père du garçon que le fermier avait aidé. 
- Je veux vous récompenser, dit le noble. 
- Je ne peux accepter de paiement pour ce que j'ai fait répondit le fermier écossais. 
Au même moment, le fils du fermier vint à la porte de la cabane. 
- C'est votre fils ? demanda le noble. 
- Oui, répondit fièrement le fermier. 
- Alors, je vous propose un marché. 
Permettez-moi d'offrir à votre fils la même éducation qu'à mon fils. 
Si le fils ressemble au père, je suis sûr qu'il sera un homme duquel tous deux seront fiers. 
Et le fermier accepta. 
Le fils du fermier Fleming suivit les cours des meilleures écoles 
et, il fut diplômé de l'Ecole de Médecine de l'Hôpital Sainte-Marie de Londres. 
Porteur d'une grande aspiration, il continua jusqu'à être connu du monde entier. 
Le fameux Dr Alexander Fleming avait en effet découvert la pénicilline. 

Comment s'appelait le noble ? 
Sir Randolph Churchill et son fils, Sir Winston Churchill. 
Quelqu'un a dit un jour : 
" Tout ce qui s'en va, revient..." 
Travaille comme si tu n'avais pas besoin d'argent. 
Aime comme si tu n'avais jamais été blessé. 
Danse comme si personne ne te regardait. 
Chante comme si personne ne t'écoutait. 
Vis comme si le Ciel était sur la Terre. 
C'est la Semaine Internationale de l'Amitié. 
Envoie ce message à tous ceux que tu considères tes amis, 
en incluant celui, celle, qui te l'a envoyé. 
Envoie-le et tu amélioreras la journée de quelqu'un. 
Il ne se passera rien si tu ne le fais pas. 
Mais si tu le fais, quelqu'un sourira grâce à toi. 
Si les bisous étaient de l'eau , je te donnerais la mer 
Si les câlins étaient des feuilles, je te donnerais un arbre 
Si la vie était une planète, je te donnerais une galaxie 
Si l'amitié était la vie , je te donnerais la mienne 
C'est la semaine des meilleurs amis(es) 
Envoie ce message à ceux que tu considères comme des amis ... 
À moi si j'en fais partie. 
S'il te revient plus de 3 fois tu es quelqu'un d'adorable... 

mardi 30 juillet 2013

Eloge de l'optimisme

Les chercheurs en psychologie et en médecine ont depuis longtemps démontré l'impact puissant de l'optimisme sur notre énergie vitale, notre goût de vivre, notre relation aux autres, mais aussi notre santé et notre longévité.
Or l'optimisme est le contraire de la naïveté candide avec laquelle on le confond parfois.
C'est une attitude de l'esprit positive mais exigeante, qui possède ses propres règles qu'il faut apprendre à connaître et à utiliser de façon à en tirer le meilleur profit.

Dans son Éloge de l'optimisme, Philippe Gabilliet nous invite à redécouvrir cette merveilleuse capacité présente en chacun de nous, à en comprendre la nature et le fonctionnement afin de la réintégrer de façon efficace et durable dans notre vie personnelle ou professionnelle, et de cultiver notre capacité à déclencher autour de nous des événements positifs et porteurs d'opportunités nouvelles.

A la fois art de penser, art de ressentir, art de communiquer et art de décider, l'optimisme est dès à présent appelé à devenir l'art de vivre du XXIe siècle !

Philippe Gabilliet, 52 ans, docteur en Sciences de gestion et diplômé de Sciences-Po Bordeaux, est spécialiste de la motivation et des stratégies mentales de la réussite. Il enseigne depuis plus de quinze ans la psychologie et le développement professionnel à l'ESCP Europe (Paris). Il est l'auteur de Se former soi-même. Les outils de l'autoformation (ESF, 1997), Savoir anticiper. Les outils pour maîtriser son futur (ESF, 1999) et Les Conduites d'anticipation. Des modèles aux applications (L'Harmattan, 2008).

vendredi 5 juillet 2013

How to Make Your Cold Calling Effective - 4 Examples of effective dialogue in cold calling!How to Make Your Cold Calling Effective - 4 Examples of effective dialogue in cold calling!

How can we make cold calls "work" when we’re talking to someone we haven’t met, about something they may not need? Well, it’s really simple.

First we look at how to relate to them rather than hoping they’ll relate to us and our solution.

When we approach cold calling with a question about what their needs are, potential clients respond much more readily to the idea of talking with us.

To help you with this, here are a few examples of dialogues within four very different industries.

Example: Staffing
In the staffing or recruiting industry, the goal is to call a company and identify whether they need help finding new staff.
The old cold calling approach is, "Hi. My name is... I’m with XYZ Staffing Company, and we offer these services. I’m just calling to..." And by that time, the person pretty much says, "We’re not interested," right?
With this new cold calling approach, the idea is to think about the problem you’re solving. The problem you’re solving is helping them find good people.

I reply, "I’m just calling to see if your company is still looking at finding good, quality employees to hire?"
The response to that is likely to be, "Well sure. Who’s this?" This is a normal response which we want to be ready for. I would simply say, "My name is Ari and I’m with XYZ Staffing Company and we help companies identify and find good people. I’m just calling to see if your company is in a situation now where you’re looking to hire and find new people."

Example: Software

Let’s say you’re in the software industry, and that you sell software to improve the productivity of an organization. What you want to do is focus on the problem that you solve specifically.
What most software salespeople do in cold calling is say, "Hi, we sell software to help improve productivity." But that doesn’t really identify the problem it solves. You have to focus specifically on an issue.
So, for instance, the software might solve a problem with lost paper-based documents. That’s a very specific issue.
In this case, I might call and say, "I’m just calling to see if your company is having issues with lost paperwork because of manual paper-based filing systems."
See how specific that is? It’s very directed to the problem in their world. This is in contrast to, "I want to see if your company is looking to buy some software or looking to improve productivity," or something similar.

Example: Advertising

Advertising is a very good example. Typically, what most advertising sales folks start with is an introduction. They talk about their advertising product or services that they offer.
But with our problem solving approach, the question becomes, "What does advertising solve for people?" The first thought usually is that it gets people leads.
It gets more branding.
Let’s go deeper than that. What do leads do for companies? Leads provide sales, right? So if I sell advertising, I might call and say, " I’m just calling to see if your company is open to new ideas of generating leads for your business."
From this place, the discussion unfolds around their world, and not your advertising.
That’s the real shift in making cold calling relevant to their world.

Example: Collections

Another example is the collections industry. Typically, collection agencies call companies to see if they can be hired to collect invoices that are unpaid. They usually talk about their services as opposed to making their cold calling focus on the problem.
The client is looking to bring in more revenue from invoices that aren’t paid. So an approach might be, "Maybe you can help me out for a second?" The reply is once again, "Sure, how can I help you?"
"I’m just calling to see if your company is still having issues with unpaid invoices." And the response probably will be, "Well, yeah, we are. Who’s this?"
You can then respond in a very relaxed tone, "This is John. I’m with XYZ Collection Agency. I’m just calling to see if you’d be open to some new ideas on how to better solve that problem."
These are some examples of how to make your cold calling relevant to the other person and his or her needs. Practice this, and you’ll find that your cold calling conversations become more relaxed. You’ll no longer have to shift into an artificial "salesperson" role.

mardi 25 juin 2013

Do this before July 1st


To lead a successful life, career, or business, you need only
three things:

1. A crystal clear understanding of WHAT you want to achieve.

2. A passionate desire and burning WHY that inspires massive

3. A plan of action, which points to HOW success will be achieved
and when.

The problem however is that while everyone wants to be successful,
far too many people are unsure of their WHAT, WHY, and HOW.

I can help, and want to share something pretty special with you.
It's a rock-solid blueprint for creating your breakthrough.

Check out this incredible FREE video series that shows you how to
create mind-blowing results in a very short period of time.

I promise you, it's worth watching a few times.

P.S. The videos alone are outstanding, but please be sure to read
the Special Report today -- it's that important and
Patrick Taranto
Taranto Management Consulting

jeudi 30 mai 2013

Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think

Imagine 6.8 billion people with clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing, personalized education, top-tier medical care, and non-polluting and ubiquitous energy.

Since the dawn of humanity there has always been a privileged, prosperous few living in stark contrast to the majority struggling with disease, starvation and poverty.
At first glance it seems that we'll never close this gap.
With wealth now concentrated in the upper two percent of society - and serious concerns about population size, global warming, energy shortages, water shortages, food shortages, material shortages . . . this list goes on - alarmists are having a field day.
And an impact. For the first time in a long time, parents are predicting a worse life for their children than their own. But none of this is accurate.

We are now entering a period of radical transformation in which, because of the exponential growth rate of technology we will soon have the ability to meet and exceed the basic needs of every man, woman and child on the planet.
Making this happen is humanity's grandest challenge - this is a book about how we can meet it.
Patrick Taranto
Taranto Management Consulting

mercredi 29 mai 2013

Proven techniques to close more sales


Want to INCREASE your income?

You can start earning more money today simply
by improving your close ratio.

Many business owners struggle when it comes
to closing the sale.

I found a great resource to help you
improve your skills and CLOSE MORE SALES.

Click here for details:

This information could create a BREAKTHROUGH
in your results.

You will learn 21 amazing TECHNIQUES to
close more sales!

And the BEST part is...

There is no charge for it.

Click here for immediate access:

This is very EASY to learn.

In fact, you can learn it simply
by WATCHING it on video.

This training is provided by Eric Lofholm,
a Master Sales Trainer and Coach.

Click here now to watch a QUICK video from Eric:

Who is Eric Lofholm and why should you listen to him?

Eric Lofholm has been in commissioned sales for
over 18 years. For the last 12 years Eric has been
teaching his proven sales ideas and strategies to
people all over the world. Eric is the author of
3 books including How to Sell in the New Economy.

It's time to get the knowledge you need to
start making the money YOU DESERVE.


Get access now:

To your success,


PS. By the way, one of my FAVORITE strategies
in the last one in the series.

If you can implement this one strategy,
you will have people asking to buy from you
before you even make your offer.

Now that's POWERFUL!

Show me the Videos Now:

Please read my Affiliate Disclaimer: From time to time
I will share information or suggest products or services
for sale online. I recommend products and services either
based on my personal experience or based on my relationship
with a person or the company. I may be compensated
with a referral commission if you decide to purchase
a product or program from Eric Lofholm's company.
Please do your own due-diligence when making a purchase
from any company.
Patrick Taranto
Taranto Management Consulting

Proven techniques to close more sales


Want to INCREASE your income?

You can start earning more money today simply
by improving your close ratio.

Many business owners struggle when it comes
to closing the sale.

I found a great resource to help you
improve your skills and CLOSE MORE SALES.

Click here for details:

This information could create a BREAKTHROUGH
in your results.

You will learn 21 amazing TECHNIQUES to
close more sales!

And the BEST part is...

There is no charge for it.

Click here for immediate access:

This is very EASY to learn.

In fact, you can learn it simply
by WATCHING it on video.

This training is provided by Eric Lofholm,
a Master Sales Trainer and Coach.

Click here now to watch a QUICK video from Eric:

Who is Eric Lofholm and why should you listen to him?

Eric Lofholm has been in commissioned sales for
over 18 years. For the last 12 years Eric has been
teaching his proven sales ideas and strategies to
people all over the world. Eric is the author of
3 books including How to Sell in the New Economy.

It's time to get the knowledge you need to
start making the money YOU DESERVE.


Get access now:

To your success,


PS. By the way, one of my FAVORITE strategies
in the last one in the series.

If you can implement this one strategy,
you will have people asking to buy from you
before you even make your offer.

Now that's POWERFUL!

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Patrick Taranto
Taranto Management Consulting