mardi 16 décembre 2008

Don't get ripped off


I hope you are having a profitable day today.

The reason I am writing you today is because I've
got to get something off my chest.

As you may or may not know, there is a problem going
on online. Everyday, there are gutless cowards
that think it's OK to freely distribute digital
products on the 'Net.

Now I am not going to reveal the mechanisms by which
these lowlifes freely distribute ebooks and software
on the net. But it is happening everyday...even
as I write this sentence!

This is one of the reasons I definitely refuse to
create digital products anymore. If people want to
buy my products, they have to give me their PHYSICAL
ADDRESS so I can ship it to them.

I figure that most of these scam-artists are
inherently too DARN lazy to rip off physical products.

But I know that a LOT of people are still selling
digital products out there. Hey, I don't blame them...
you cannot beat the low overhead and instant delivery.

Are you one of them? Then if you value safeguarding
your hard work, then you have to check out this link:

DigitalRepoMan is a unique service from internet marketing
guru Russell Brunson that prevents downloadable products
from being illegally distributed.

Now I don't want to get too "geeky" here, but it is
based on "MAC addresses"...which is unique to every
single computer.

That means that if someone illegally distributes your product
online, and the MAC addresses on our server don't match,
then your product is deactivated ASAP.

To read more about it, check out:

...and take a stand against all the "digital delinquents"
out there!

Speak soon,

Neo Bok Kuan

P.S. Russell is generous enough to give you a Free Trial
of this new service so you can check it out for yourself!

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