mardi 26 janvier 2016

Become a freelance web service provider

Become a Freelance Web Services Provider

Sources and Methods to find Reliable Customers


Module 1: Find your cruise

Knowing your specialties
Preparing a list of potential Customers
Doing a thorough research of potential Customers
Aligning your specialties with potential Customers' expectations
Creating packages that suit you and also delight the potential Customers
Solving the "Freelance Rate" puzzle
Communicating effectively with Customers
Keeping a track of time invested in acquiring customers

Module 2: Make sure that your business interests and attracts potential customers to chosen platforms

Freelance service platforms
Readiness with package of offerings when potential customers apply
Techniques to find and retain new customers

Module 3: Promote and become a reference

Providing Alternatives
Leaving these products work for customers loyalty
Knowing when to quit
Asking customers to become best referrers
Reviews and Recommendations

Module 4: Troubleshooting your Business

Customer Life Cycle
Planning for long term
Ensure customers remain satisfied
Dealing with tough customers
Getting rid of excess baggage
Learning and growing as customer grows and evolves

Order our book on line

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