jeudi 28 octobre 2010

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mercredi 27 octobre 2010

Reussir le redressement de votre entreprise

Il est peu de métiers aussi passionnants que celui de dirigeant d'entreprise. Il en est également peu qui soient aussi difficiles quand la tempête est là. Les meilleures écoles de commerce enseignent rarement ces situations. Or, la première chose dont a besoin le gestionnaire en période de crise, c'est d'une vision et de conseils utiles, pertinents et immédiatement applicables. Ce livre pratique a pour objectif de tendre une main au dirigeant et de lui_ donner tous les conseils nécessaires pour tenir le coup. Non, il n'est pas seul. Des milliers de ses confrères avant lui ont connu les mêmes difficultés. Oui, le redressement est possible et il doit se battre. Pour ses employés, pour cette entreprise dont il est responsable et pour lui-même.
Notre expert vous conseille et vous accompagne pas à pas pour : 
  • analyser objectivement la situation, 
  • faire un diagnostic complet et déterminer vos objectifs prioritaires, 
  • gagner de l'oxygène en trésorerie, 
  • décider de la meilleure route à suivre : redresser, vendre ou liquider ? 
  • utiliser tous les outils pour redresser la situation 
  • gérer vos relations avec votre banquier, 
  • définir quels sont les créanciers à régler de façon impérative, 
  • évaluer votre entreprise et trouver un repreneur 
  • développer un plan d'action pour repartir, 
  • savoir vous comporter face au tribunal de commerce et à un administrateur judiciaire 
  • estimer les conséquences personnelles et patrimoniales d'un dépôt de bilan 
  • communiquer avec les partenaires sociaux. 
Agrémenté de nombreux témoignages et d'outils pratiques, cet ouvrage s'adresse aussi bien au dirigeant diplômé à la tête de la filiale d'un groupe international qu'à l'autodidacte qui a créé sa PME.

Il est peu de métiers aussi passionnants que celui de dirigeant d'entreprise. Il en est également peu qui soient aussi difficiles quand la tempête est là. Les meilleures écoles de commerce enseignent rarement ces situations. Or, la première chose dont a besoin le gestionnaire en période de crise, c'est d'une vision et de conseils utiles, pertinents et immédiatement applicables. Ce livre pratique a pour objectif de tendre une main au dirigeant et de lui_ donner tous les conseils nécessaires pour tenir le coup. Non, il n'est pas seul. Des milliers de ses confrères avant lui ont connu les mêmes difficultés. Oui, le redressement est possible et il doit se battre. Pour ses employés, pour cette entreprise dont il est responsable et pour lui-même. Notre expert vous conseille et vous accompagne pas à pas pour : analyser objectivement la situation, faire un diagnostic complet et déterminer vos objectifs prioritaires, gagner de l'oxygène en trésorerie, décider de la meilleure route à suivre : redresser, vendre ou liquider ? utiliser tous les outils pour redresser la situation gérer vos relations avec votre banquier, définir quels sont les créanciers à régler de façon impérative, évaluer votre entreprise et trouver un repreneur développer un plan d'action pour repartir, savoir vous comporter face au tribunal de commerce et à un administrateur judiciaire estimer les conséquences personnelles et patrimoniales d'un dépôt de bilan communiquer avec les partenaires sociaux. Agrémenté de nombreux témoignages et d'outils pratiques, cet ouvrage s'adresse aussi bien au dirigeant diplômé à la tête de la filiale d'un groupe international qu'à l'autodidacte qui a créé sa PME.
Biographie de l'auteur
Bertrand de Taisne, ingénieur de formation, est diplômé de l'INSEAD. Il a lui-même créé une PME qui, après un redressement judiciaire, a été liquidée. Il a ensuite fait partie des équipes dirigeantes de plusieurs PME et de grandes entreprises. Il est aujourd'hui un expert reconnu du redressement d'entreprises en difficulté. Son dernier exploit, Sullair Europe, a doublé son chiffre d'affaires, passant de 30 millions en 2003 à 60 millions en 2008.

Biographie de l'auteur

Bertrand de Taisne, ingénieur de formation, est diplômé de l'INSEAD. Il a lui-même créé une PME qui, après un redressement judiciaire, a été liquidée. Il a ensuite fait partie des équipes dirigeantes de plusieurs PME et de grandes entreprises. Il est aujourd'hui un expert reconnu du redressement d'entreprises en difficulté. Son dernier exploit, Sullair Europe, a doublé son chiffre d'affaires, passant de 30 millions en 2003 à 60 millions en 2008.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (4 of 6)

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (3 of 6)

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (2 of 6)

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (1 of 6)

mardi 26 octobre 2010

RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

You can't get there alone by Keith Ferrazzi

In an age when professional success
belongs to the highly networked,
a new blueprint is needed.

His name is Keith Ferrazzi, and he's been called "The Best Networker in the World" by Inc. Magazine.
A best-selling author, Keith has combined a career’s worth of street-tested
knowledge with a decade of research to develop a system that works.

IBM, Cisco and AMEX pay Keith $30,000
an hour to teach their execs how to network.

Get His Book Now !
To your success,

Patrick Taranto
Please read my Affiliate Disclaimer: From time to time,
I will endorse, promote or suggest services and/or products
for sale. My recommendation is ALWAYS based on my belief
that the product and its creator will provide excellent
and valuable information or service based on a review of
that product, my relationship with that person, and /or
previous positive experience with the person or company
whose product I am recommending. I will be compensated
with a referral commission if you decide to purchase any
items from Keith Ferrazzi's company after viewing his
great content. Please always do your OWN due-diligence
before making ANY purchase from ANY company.

lundi 25 octobre 2010

A Beautiful Movie about Choices!

All of us at one time or another have experienced a difficult situation, had setbacks, or dealt with our share of disappointment. Most things that happen to us on a daily basis we can't control and I can honestly say (with conviction) that it is not what happens to us that matters but rather, how we choose to respond.

That is what this 3 minute movie is all about...dealing with the current cards that we are dealt.

I know you'll enjoy its message!

As always, please be sure to share this movie with your friends and family.

Click Here And Watch It Now

Les dix cles de l'efficacité du commercial

Voici la nouvelle édition des 10 clefs de l'efficacité du commercial, qui a reçu le prix du " meilleur livre économique traitant de la fonction commerciale " des Dirigeants Commerciaux d France

Grâce à cet ouvrage méthodique et rigoureux, vous saurez : 

1 comment faire le diagnostic de votre secteur de vente et de votre clientèle
Apercu du marché local 
Qui sont vos clients ?
2. Prevoir les ventes
opportunités /menaces
tendances du marché
dynamisme des clients

forces/ faiblesses
effet de notoriété
impact des nouveaux  produits
qualité des relations avec les clients

la liste des clients 
3. maitrises ses objectifs
finalité de l'entreprise
4 stratégies possibles : Hansoff
- produits actuels /marchés actuels
- produits nouveaux ou améliorés /marchés actuels
- produits actuels/marchés nouveaux
- produits nouveaux/marchésnouveaux
Politique commerciale
- protection 
Les produits de la politique commerciale :Part de marché/ croisssance
Produits d'appel /produits de prestige
La force de vente

4. Maitriser son organisation
Instruments de suivi des clients
la fiche client
5. Maitriser l'entretien de vente
La préparation de l'entretien
l'exploitation de l'entretien 
6. Maitriser les moyens d'aide à lavente 
le classeur de présentation
Le plan d'argumentation 
la proposition commerciale

7. Les instruments de l'information commerciale 
8. maitriser son temps
220 jours de travail 1750 heures par an
Eliminer les taches inutiles
Entretiens de vente 20% ou 42 jours

Déplacements : 25% ou 52 jours
Redaction de proposition 12% ou 25jours
Prospection : 5 %ou 10 jours

* quels clients vous devez privilégier
* comment prévoir vos ventes
9 comment organiser votre circuit de visites et comment gérer votre temps
10 s'integrer aux opérations commerciales
* comment tirer parti des nouvelles technologies
11. comment évaluer vous-même vos performances
analyse de la clientele
analyse des commandes
analyse des activités
analyse des compétences
analyse des méthodes


Quatrième de couverture

La collection Efficacité commerciale dirigée par René Moulinier regroupe des ouvrages opérationnels, rédigés par des praticiens ayant l'expérience du terrain, traitant des problèmes de la vente et des équipes de vente. Quel que soit votre métier, votre spécialité et votre expérience, ce livre pratique s'adresse à vous si vous êtes soucieux de vous perfectionner dans la conduite de l'action commerciale pour maîtriser la situation de concurrence amplifiée que crée le nouvel espace européen.

vendredi 15 octobre 2010

Want to create your business ? Loral Langemeier answers your questions on Webinar October 19th

Hi there,

A lot of people are struggling in
the current economy. They are saddled
with more commitments than they can

Loral Langemeier, America's Money Expert,
is hosting a live webinar on Tuesday,
October 19th.

There's no charge to attend and Loral
will be answering your questions.

Click Here For More Details:

Loral wants to help you sort through
this issue and help you understand that
there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

She will guide you through the best
approaches to reducing this burden
and show you that you can eliminate
it in just 5 Steps.

This is timely information!

Register now to participate.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Click Here to Sign Up for the Webinar:

Don't forget to ask your question!

To your success,
Your friend

PS. Are you struggling to become
independent? This is your opportunity
to get help.

Click Here to Ask Your Question Now:

Please read my Affiliate Disclaimer: From time to time,
I will endorse, promote or suggest services and/or products
for sale. My recommendation is ALWAYS based on my belief
that the product and its creator will provide excellent
and valuable information or service based on a review of
that product, my relationship with that person, and or
previous positive experience with the person or company
whose product I am recommending. I will be compensated
with a referral commission if you decide to purchase any
items from Live Out Loud's company after viewing Loral's
great content. Please always do your OWN due-diligence
before making ANY purchase from ANY company.

jeudi 14 octobre 2010

Capitalism II

Un jeu video passionant pour les managers  en herbe  :

Deux avis critiques détaillés :

A Will to Act on Plans to Reach Goal Realization

If you have a will to act on plans then you have the ability to reach goal realization. Action speaks louder than words, since faith without works  is dead. Down through the centuries we can note many characters that made a difference in our history. These people took action to achieve their goals by refusing to sit down and let someone else achieve. Action illustrates strong characteristics of a human being. At what time a person is confident people will take note and are more willing to help you reach your goals.

To help you see results of a person acting out on his intentions we can consider a few historic characters. Martin Luther King Jr. is one man that stood up for what he believed, at the same time this man stood strong, went through struggles and persecutions, yet he still acted out to achieve his goals. Martin started out in school as we all do, arriving at the University Atlanta Lab School, and moving onto Booker. Martin scored high on tests, which sent him to college at fifteen years of age. Born in 1929, Martin graduated with a Sociology degree in hand in the year 1948. Eager to learn, Martin participating in theological seminars, at the same time furthering his education, and throughout his course of action he received president awards. This is the turning point of his thirst to achieve further. As you can see, Mr. King Jr. had a will to achieve. Martin throughout his education won several awards, and finally awarded his degree of bachelors in the Divine. Martin continued his journey in learning as he reached high to achieve his goals.

Martin Luther King Jr. overall took hold of nineteen or more degrees and was finally given the Peace Award, which no other has ever received in the history of peace struggles. This man is a fabulous example of achieving goals.

His goals were obvious. This man wanted people to recognize him as a human being, thus something that should have never been a goal in the first place. That is all men are created equal and no one has the right to judge another man for his color. Martin is outstanding in his own creation, thus making him a true definition of man.

As you can see loads of action took place in Martin Luther King Jr., life. Now ask self, are you willing to put forth this type of effort to achieve? While you may not go through the same struggles Mr. King Jr. went through, you will go through your own struggles. Thus, ask self are you ready to battle to win the race of life.

Still, you need more than action to achieve goals. For instance, a detailed and structured plan will give you power to achieve your goal and put forth the effort to achieve. While you write your goal, you can put action in its place by filling in the partial details of your plans. Thus, fill in the gaps. As you write, you should allow no room for excuses. If you make excuses, you will have many setbacks along the journey to achieving your goal, and possibly miss reaching your goal. 

Still, you want to remember that the best-laid plans fail, therefore keep this in mind as you write down your goals. Leave room for a backup plan to help you recover from setbacks, emergencies and the like. Backups are endorsements that provide encouragement, help, sponsorship, support, and backing. If you have backing, you have a plan.

vendredi 8 octobre 2010

Robert Kiyosaki Before

In this follow-up to his bestselling Rich Dad Poor Dad, Kiyosaki offers little substance and much fluff, forcing readers to wade through business cliches and unattributed statistics in order to find the few rough nuggets of entrepreneurial wisdom that make this book worth the asking price.

Fear, Kiyosaki writes, is what separates employees from entrepreneurs. The latter are employees who have faced down their fears about job security and drawing their next paycheck and are willing to fail in order to be free.

Kiyosaki's other maxims are decidedly less striking. Lesson 8, "What Is the Job of the Business Leader?", depends upon a triangular "team-leadership-mission" diagram that is an amalgam of current business book gimmickry.

The same is true of Lesson 6, "The Three Kinds of Money"-spiritual, competitive, cooperative-which offers nothing that hasn't appeared in other business titles.

He states in Chapter 1 that statistics show 90 percent of all new businesses fail within five years, a questionable figure that appears to contradict U.S. Census and Small Business Administration statistics. (Kiyosaki also neglects to mention that many small businesses that close are successful at closure.) Largely due to Kiyosaki's bombastic style, this is an inspiring read, but it bears about as much resemblance to actual entrepreneurship as steamy romance novels do to actual relationships.

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Product Description
DESCRIPTION: The real secret to making money and reaching financial independence is not staying an employee, but starting a company and quickly developing it. This book is for aspiring entrepreneurs who need to know how to take those first crucial steps.

In RICH DAD'S BEFORE YOU QUIT YOUR JOB, Robert T. Kiyosaki provides first-hand accounts of his own start-up companies, and what he learned from his failures and successes. Readers will discover: * How to determine whether an idea is a good one * How to write a solid business plan * Where to find OPM (Other People's Money) to finance that plan * How to incorporate for business and tax purposes * How to find key advisors to develop the plan * How to best launch the product or service * And more. The Rich Dad experts explain everything readers need to successfully start their own businesses.

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Vous découvrirez entre autre:
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