mercredi 29 septembre 2010

The sales machine

Chet Holmes helps his clients blow away both the competition and their own expectations. And his advice starts with one simple concept: focus! Instead of trying to master four thousand strategies to improve your business, zero in on the 12 essential skill areas that make the big difference.

The Ultimate Sales Machine shows you how to tune up and soup up virtually every part of your business by spending just an hour per week on each impact area you want to improve—sales, marketing, management, and more.

The 12 key strategies are :

Time Management
Regular training
Effective meetings
Becoming a brillant strategist : sell more, sell better,build brand loyalty, establish expertise
Hiring superstars
Getting the best buyers
7 musts ofmarketing : advertising, direct mail, corporate literature, PR, personal contact, market education,internet
Compeling visuals
Target dream clients 100
Sales skills
Client bonding skills

dimanche 26 septembre 2010

Recruitor : N°1 mondial/worldwide : ESCP Europe Master in Management/Grande Ecole

"Chers Amis,

Nous souhaitons partager avec vous une excellente nouvelle : le
Financial Times vient de publier son classement international annuel
des Masters in Management/Grande Ecole et, pour la toute première fois
de son histoire, ESCP Europe remporte la 1ère place mondiale,
devançant la CEMS, HEC et l’Université de Saint-Gall !"

Communiqué Association Anciens ESCP

"Dear Friends,
We are delighted to share some great news with you: the Financial
Times has released its annual international Masters in Management
rankings and, for the very first time in its history, ESCP Europe is
n° 1 worldwide, ahead of the CEMS, HEC and the University of St.
Press release ESCP Alumni Association
Patrick Taranto (ESCP 89)
Media JD
Tel : 33 (0)146 23 89 14
Mobile : 33(0)6 71 50 12 47
Email :

N°1 mondial/worldwide : ESCP Europe Master in Management/Grande Ecole !

"Chers Amis,

Nous souhaitons partager avec vous une excellente nouvelle : le
Financial Times vient de publier son classement international annuel
des Masters in Management/Grande Ecole et, pour la toute première fois
de son histoire, ESCP Europe remporte la 1ère place mondiale,
devançant la CEMS, HEC et l’Université de Saint-Gall !"

Communiqué Association Anciens ESCP

"Dear Friends,
We are delighted to share some great news with you: the Financial
Times has released its annual international Masters in Management
rankings and, for the very first time in its history, ESCP Europe is
n° 1 worldwide, ahead of the CEMS, HEC and the University of St.
Press release ESCP Alumni Association
Patrick Taranto (ESCP 89)
Media JD
Tel : 33 (0)146 23 89 14
Mobile : 33(0)6 71 50 12 47
Email :

jeudi 16 septembre 2010

The 5 essentials people skills

In a world becoming more and more virtual, human relations skills are being lost -- along with the skill of leadership. And yet never before have these abilities been more valuable or sought after. What's needed is a new type of leader -- one who can inspire and motivate others while adhering to timeless leadership principles such as flexibility, adaptability, trustworthiness, and distribution of power. With Leadership Mastery, you will identify your strengths and adopt effective strategies to:

• Gain the respect and admiration of others using little-known secrets of America's most successful leaders
• Get family, friends, and coworkers to do what you ask because they want to, not because they have to
• Respond effectively in a crisis
• Make powerful decisions and follow through on them using Carnegie's action formula

Incorporating interviews with top leaders in business, entertainment, sports, and academia, Leadership Mastery stands next to the classic How to Win Friends and Influence People.

About the Author
Dale Carnegie was born in 1888 in Missouri. He wrote his now-renowned book How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1936. This milestone cemented the rapid spread of his core values across the United States. During the 1950s, the foundations of Dale Carnegie Training? as it exists today began to take form. Dale Carnegie himself passed away soon after in 1955, leaving his legacy and set of core principles to be disseminated for decades to come. Today, the Dale Carnegie Training programs are available in more than 25 languages throughout the entire United States and in more than 80 countries. Dale Carnegie includes as its clients 400 of the Fortune 500 companies. Approximately 7 million people have experienced Dale Carnegie Training.

lundi 13 septembre 2010

The Rules of Wealth: 100 Tips from Richard Templar's Best Selling Book

Les 100 Lois pour s'enrichir

Vous voulez :
Gagner beaucoup d'argent et le conserver ?
Bien gérer votre fortune pour en profiter un maximum ?
Réussir à concilier bonheur et prospérité ?

Alors lancez-vous et prenez de bonnes habitudes ! Chaque jour, mettez en pratique une nouvelle Loi. 
Promis, elles sont très simples mais leur pouvoir est inestimable...

Loi n°1 :
Tout le monde peut gagner de l'argent : il n'y a ni sélection ni discrimination (p. 17)

Loi n°9 :
Décidez de ce que vous ferez de cet argent (p. 33)

Loi n°21 :
Exercez un vrai contrôle sur vos finances (p. 61)

Loi n°26 :
Il n'est jamais trop tard pour commencer à s'enrichir (p. 71)

Loi n°36 :
Dépensez moins que ce que vous gagnez (p. 91)

Loi n°45 :
Constituez un capital d'abord, puis investissez-le de façon judicieuse (p. 109)

Loi n°54 :
Raisonnez à long terme (p. 127)

Loi n°62 :
Ne vous contentez pas de lire ce livre : agissez (p. 143)

Loi n°83 :
Mettez de l'argent de côté pour vos vieux jours et pas seulement pour cela (p. 193)

Loi n°89 :
Faites bon usage de votre richesse (p. 209)

Biographie de l'auteur

Richard Templar, britannique, est l'auteur de nombreux guides pratiques vendus à plusieurs millions d'exemplaires dans le monde. Dans la même collection, découvrez aussi Les 100 Lois pour une vie heureuse, Les 100 Lois pour être des parents parfaits (ou presque !) et Les 100 Lois de l'amour et de l amitié (Leduc.s Éditions).